Deadpool Review

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EldLynch-Tristan's avatar
I'll be honest, I wasn't hyped for this film. The trailers didn't grab my interest. I'm not a Deadpool fan. But I did go see this film mostly out of curiosity. Just because, I wanted to know if they could pull this off. With a fairly low budget, a director who hadn't directed anything before, and a creative marketing campaign, I really started wondering if this could work. It was released in February, which I think of as the dumping ground for films that the studios have little confidence in. However, every once in a while, something comes out in February catches lightning in a bottle. It happened last year with Kingsman, another R rated film based on a comic book. So I wondered if this might be able to catch that kinda lightning. I'll spoil some of my thoughts right now, and say that I think I saw lightning, but I KNOW I heard thunder.
Deadpool is a film that doesn't seem to know what audience it's for. Alot of the jokes are funny, and many of them feel the the type of juvenile humor that kids would enjoy, rather than most adults. Yet, there's alot of violence and nudity that is definitely not for kids. So this is kinda a strange one.
The actors here are kinda scattershot. Ryan Reynolds is pretty much the sole person holding up this film. It's the kind of role where, if you don't get it right, the whole film will fall apart. And for the most part, I think he does his job right. He brings Deadpool to life. But some of his scenes as Wade Wilson just didn't play right to me. Alot of the supporting cast also does pretty well. However, I think one of the big weaknesses in this film, is the villain. The main villain is some guy named Francis, whose abilities never really seem well defined. He's not menacing or interesting. He's just a guy who hates listening to Deadpool talk, and wants his mouth sewn up.
I was happy about how the film was paced, telling us the origin through flashbacks. Because, I think if they told it chronologically, I'd have been bored out of my mind. Although, I'm surprised they didn't make a joke about the film being like a Christopher Nolan movie due to the shuffled scene order. 
The action and visuals in this film are pretty impressive, given how much money they had to pull it off with. Although, there sadly isn't a ton of action in the film. There's really only two setpieces. 
Which reminds me, this film was surprisingly short. It felt like it lasted only an hour. Which is good pacing. But it kinda left me sitting there going, "That's all?".
The comedy again, is great. I'd say more about the jokes. But the thing is, the jokes are really the only things you can spoil about this film. Because, when all is said and done, Deadpool really is a generic superhero film at its core. But what makes it stand out, is the satirical fourth wall humor that you can't find anywhere else other than Kick-Ass really.
I enjoyed Kick-Ass alot more. But Deadpool's still a fun, but short, ride. I recommend checking it out in theaters or on DVD when you get the chance. Some of the laughs alone are worth it. I give Deadpool a 4/5.
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PraetorZ's avatar
A fair critique, I'd say.
I'm personally a big Deadpool fan, but I agree with the downsides you mentioned, but all in all, I'm way more than satisfied with it :). One of my personal favorites was the "frozen in time" scene at the beginning when they revealed the cast of the movie.